Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Literature Analysis questions #1

  1. So far the book is about this girl named Ashleigh. She has a boyfriend named Kaleb and he is in the baseball team. She also has a friend named Vonnie. She also has this other friend that really doesn't care about her named Rachel. Vonnie makes the best parties at her house while her parents are gone. Asleigh's boyfriend is going of to college and she thinks that he is going to meet other girls that are gonna be cutter than her. Kaleb has been spending a lot of time with his baseball team that he didn't go to the party with Ashleigh. Vonnie and Rachel are telling Ashleigh to make a big mistake because Kaleb will meet other girls in college but she is thinking about sending him a picture.
  2. I think that the theme of this novel is to think before doing something that could affect you.  
  3. I think that the author gets up late . I think that she does drink coffee. I think that the author like to do exercise. i think that the author does eat breakfast like healthy food. Think that the book is kind of her life in the past. Probably she made a big mistake that really affected her.
  4. Some literary techniques are when she is thinking about the choice is going to make, when her friend get ideas in her head and when she thinks about her boyfriend.

Monday, August 29, 2016

vocabulary list #2

*faith- complete trust, confidence in someone or something
I have faith in my mom because she could make the best decisions.
*threshold- wood, metal, or stone in the bottom of the door
The threshold in my store make it hard to open the door.
*tarry-to be slow in going
My sister is really tarry because she is always on her phone.
*resolve- answer or solution
I have to resolve my math homework and find the answers.
*discern- to detect with the eyes
For some reason I always discern my mom.
*martyr- a person who gets kills because of the religion
I don't know anyone that is a martyr.
*mirth- happiness and laughter
My life is so filled of mirth cause I have a family that loves me.
*catechis- question and answer that teaches about Christian religion
My church is catechis because they teach you about the Bible and answer questions you have.
*pious- deeply religious
My uncle is pious because he really deeply believes in his religion.
*frenzy- wild or uncontrolled activity
My brother is a frenzy boy because he can't stay still.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

"Young Goodman Brown" Questions

  1. I think that Hawthorne's purpose of writing the story is to explain that people could be evil sometimes.
  2. Yes, I think that the name Faith fits with the story. Faith is a very nice young lady she doesn't want her husband leave but he has to. He does have faith in his wife but doesn't have faith anymore in his thoughts.
  3. I think that the pink ribbon symbolizes the innocence of Faith and when it falls it symbolizes how he lost his Faith.
  4. Everthing that Brown went through was a dream I think that it was all because he lost his faith and then he dies.
  5. The old man in the story was a man who didn't care about anything ad only wanted to destroy his life.
  6. I think that the staff in the story is a symbol that the old man uses to make Brown weaker.
  7. Yes, he wouldn't have died and still have his faith he could have lived happy with his wife .

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"Conscience of a Hacker"

Adults think that they know us really well but the don't know what is going in our heads. Technology is growing bigger every single day. Not everyone is the same. Our world is different from an adult's life.

"Young Goodman Brown"

I think that everyone shows bravery in their own way. Everyone could have faith in anything and acompish anything they want. Everyone can make a promise but not anyone can make the promise happen.

"The Right to your Opinion"

The "The Right to your opinion" is saying that everyone has the same rights. Everyone could think what they want. It is an article that is true everyone could think what they want because it is their opinion and not another person's opinion.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Why is your big question?

I thought the article was saying nothing but the truth. Everything on it was so true. When I was small I wouldn't care if I would fall down. It is true. Many people have questions about everything. Why are there so many cultures? Why are people different?

socratic seminar/Earth on Turtles back

In our group we were talking about language. Why some people thought it was the same and why some people thought it was different. We thought that before they used a different language but then they rewrote the story in Engliah.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ancient Stories

*I think that the language is different the same because we use the same language every single day
*I think that it is important because every little part is important.

8/17/16 Notes

The words that an author uses to tell a story
The way the author puts the word together
"The medium is the message "
                          `  `  `  ` `
Transmitter ------------------>receiver
                    ^    Message.     /
                       \( Feedback)/

The difference between hearing and listening is how we think
*What I say
Para verbal
*how I use my voice
Non verbal
*body language and facial expressions 

8/16/16 Notes

What is theme?
¤ The central message of a story the main idea
"Richard Cory"
¤We know how some people are in the outside but we don't know how they are in the inside
¤The narrator is unhappy with his life because the poem that he wrote about "Richard Cory"
What is tone?
¤something about the authors attitude the authors attitude towards the audience the topic or the characters
How will u deceive the authors attitude? The Authors attitude to "Richard Cory" was respect
What is mood?
¤It is the reader emotions
What is the tone of the poem?
¤a basic argument
¤Factually verifiable in the world
¤ My conclusion follows logically from my premises

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Earth on Turtle's Back

I think that the story was so interesting. It was so interesting how the animals tried so hard to bring the earth up. I think that a lesson for this story is to never give up because you can accomplish anything you want. When the story ended I just had one question. How are  the other people get down to earth?

Monday, August 15, 2016

"Richard Cory"


Hi! My name is Ofelia Marin. I have been living in Santa Maria, CA for 14 years. I have been enjoying this blog so far and I want to learn new things. This blog is going to contain my opinions. I think that it is going to be easy making our own blog and designing it the way we want it.